
I wasn't able to blog during the break because of technological difficulties at home. Anyway, it's good to be back in UP. My classes are back and so are the requirements. I actually missed working. Not that I didn't work during the vacation- I actually studied a lot but still failed to finish all my requirements- but the atmosphere in the university inspires me to study even harder. Just a few things:

1. I need prayers right now- lots and lots. Over the break I struggled with my "giants" (Pastor Jong's term for temptation and weakness) literally alone. I was churchless and Christian friendless at home. My isolation from my Christian family is never a happy experience. Yes, I enjoyed my family's company but I thirst for the love of Christians surrounding me.

2. I wasn't able to share the gospel to my parents. (-_-) I think I was overcome by fear and reluctance. I felt I wasn't worthy to share the word because of my own spiritual issues. I'm still praying for this at the moment.

3. My Christmas and New Year were lonely. Beyond the lavish food and decor, I felt empty.

That's it for now. I still have things to do. Chao.

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