About this Blog

There is a long story behind this blog. It started out as a personal online diary of a sensitive kid who was struggling to find himself in college. So if you scroll down the history of the posts, you will find at the very beginning "emo" articles from someone who didn't know what to do with his life.

It was called "Journalese" because its owner was then a journalism major. He was fascinated by the word which basically refers to the odd language journalists used to write stories, particularly news.

Journalese soon hosted its owner's writing assignments and projects from the different journalism and English classes at the University of the Philippines Diliman. There are stories about people, events, issues, politics, features and a lot more scattered throughout the blog.

Its owner once envisioned this site as a leading online journalism resource for students and Filipinos worldwide. His life, however, took a different turn the moment he surrendered to the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus the Christ.

From writing about the world through the world's lenses, Journalese slowly viewed life from God's perspectives. Convinced that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and life, its author started aligning his views and the contents of the blog with God's Word.

Today, you will read articles proclaiming the Jesus of the Scriptures and everything about Biblical Christianity under the broad category "Sharing the Savior." If you want to read where Jesus intersects with campus life, student issues, and the university and high school experience, they're all grouped under "Mentoring Students." Finally, the last overarching category, "Engaging Society," deals with Jesus' relevance to society, including pop-culture, politics and day-to-day human living as a whole.

There are also helpful resources like Gospel Tracts, Bible Study materials and sermon podcasts under "Resources" and the owner wants you to use them. And if you want to journey with the ministry, learning about its events and praying for its challenges, go ahead and click on "Updates." The owner needs as many prayer warriors and encouragers as the Lord provides. 

From someone absorbed with himself, Journalese's owner learned what it means to put Jesus first, others second and self last. This is what the Bible calls Agape love or unconditional love. It's something possible only by the grace of God who first loved even a fallen world through His Son, Jesus Christ.

And, why is this blog's URL, "www.kuyapau.org"? Because its owner is basically that... a "kuya" or a big brother, a mentor, a friend, a life coach, a trainer to youth on campus and beyond.

May you be blessed by the articles you'll read! Spread them far and wide!

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