Here and there

Today we prayed for Yakal Christian Fellowship. The prayer time was encouraging and it reminded me of God's faithfulness in our lives. But YCF remains my heartache. It was once the biggest and most established fellowship in DCF. But today, we continue to pray for its survival.

I tried to trace the cause of the decline, but I ended up praying for the revival of our brothers and sisters in YCF. I know that God is at work. But what I don't understand is the pride that seeped into fellowship. It hides behind many names-- jealousy, loneliness, isolation, selfishness. But to the keen eyes, it is still pride.

I pray that they will one day understand that their disobedience strips God of His glory. I pray that they will come to realize that the Living God they are serving will take into account the lives they have lived as His sons and daughters.

It's so easy to forget. It's also so easy to procrastinate and to enjoy the moment. But I appeal to their Christianity...come back. As much as I feel wronged, I can't force anyone to be on fire. But I remind them of God's Word. I pray that they will not wait for God to tell them, "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love."

"Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first."
Rev 2:5

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