
Kuya Dave

It's refreshing to hear that British accent again.

Tonight, Kuya Dave Griffiths was our speaker in a super-joint fellowship with Yakal, Ipil, Sampa and Kamia. It was his first time to speak in DCF after retiring more than a year ago.

Though it wasn't DCF's official Christmas Party yet, Kuya Dave spoke about the "Wonders of Christmas." He listed five and I'm sharing them to you briefly.

1. A virgin gave birth to a child

We are more privileged than Mary because the things she didn't know were revealed  in their fullness to us. She is blessed for having the Savior in her womb. We are blessed because Christ is in us.

2. God became man

This is the greatest stoop in the history of humanity-- God came down as a man in order to be one with us. He who was perfect, infinite and glorious humbled himself and became our representative.

3. Jesus was born to die

At birth, Christ knew His destiny. He did not come as the conquering king; He came as the suffering servant whose death meant life and salvation for humanity.

4. Jesus left heaven for us to enter heaven

Almost similar to numbers 2 and 3, Jesus came down from the throne of glory to become the bridge between God and humanity. Because of His sacrificial death, He bridged the gap and made a way for us to be reunited back with God in heaven.

5.Billions exclude Jesus on His birthday

This is a negative wonder every Christmas. It is amazing how, during the 25th of December, the very essence of the celebration is left out. Jesus is the real meaning of Christmas. The Good News of the season is salvation  in the one and only Son of God.

This message is drowned by consumerism and secularism every Christmas. Many people celebrate it without understanding its essence and message. In non-Christian countries, for example, Santa Claus has taken the spotlight from Jesus. He has become more famous among children because of the material gifts he gave.

This is the sad reality we Christians have to face year in and year out. But the challenge remains: "How can you bring Christ back into your Christmas?"
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