(1 Timothy 1) Dealing with False Teachers

"What will you do if you hear false teachings or meet a false teacher?" This is the question faced by Timothy in Ephesus, and Paul was concerned about his young apprentice that he wrote this letter of 1 Timothy.

Today, we also face this question one way or another. And how should we respond? There are at least four ways based on the first chapter of 1 Timothy.

When dealing  with false teachers, we need to be:
1. Bold (3-4)
2. Salvation Focused (5-6)
3. Scripture-Grounded (7-11)
4. Gracious (12-17)

Errata (lest I become a false teacher): 
            1. Romans 6:24 should be Romans 6:23
            2. Paul met Jesus on the Road to Damascus NOT Road to Emmaus

Listen to the whole sermon here (39 minutes) :

Here is the outline of the message:

Picture Source: https://americaoutloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/WolfSheep.jpg

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