An Encouragement for 2010

Note: You may read the letters for all the dorms, or you may choose to read the letter specifically for your dorm. Just remember to read the post script at the end of the post :)
I have decided to write letters for the different Fellowships in DCF. Consider these my words of encouragement for you, brothers and sisters.

Ipil Christian Fellowship

I praise God for all of you my brothers in ICF. I can say that God really used you to minister to me, to teach me about spiritual growth, and ultimately, Christian Leadership. Though I was an outsider, placed by God into your fellowship, you did not hesitate to receive me. With open-arms you took me and cared for me. For this, I will forever praise our God.

It is my prayer for you, brothers, that as my days of stay in UP near their end, that you will learn to teach the younger ones in the fellowship. It is my prayer that you will not fall from Jesus, but continue on proclaiming His name to all the dormers in Ipil.

Trust me, the Lord will not leave You. He is faithful to me, He is to you. Trust in Him and learn from His Word. Though many of you are still young in the faith, fear not, for God is the one who empowers believers. Ahead are trials and persecutions, but take my word, these are nothing compared to the all-surpassing love,
grace and mercy of our Lord.

Consider, then, the vineyard in Ipil. May you never falter. May you never wither. May y
our lips continue to spread the message of salvation, and may you learn to truly love one another in Christ.

Yakal Christian Fellowship

I praise God for how you have stood firm in the face of pain and suffering. My heart groans with yours at the challenges faced by your fellowship. But I praise God because I know He will display His glory in the circumstances you are in now. Despite the dwindling number and commitment, I encourage you to trust in Him who provides all these.

Never fear. Though brothers and sisters fall away, know that this is not your battle. This is God's
and it has already been won. I know the frustration and the anxiety, but trust me when I say the molding begins with these. Allow God to turn you into the vessels that will bring glory to Him.

I urge you to pray for one another. I urge you to never leave out anyone in the fellowship. I know how difficult it is to deal with one another's differences, but look at our Savior and learn from Him. He was everything for everyone. May you also be everything to all He has given you in the fellowship.

There may be uncertainties in the future, but trust in God. He is sovereign. Whatever He allows will ultimately bring good to you and glory to His name. I urge You to continue sharing the Truth. Remember that the number is not your purpose, it is the sharing of the Gospel.

The fellowship may crumble, brothers and sisters may leave, but as long as the Truth is spread in every wing, corridor and room, you have given God's name glory. Pray that the message may be used by God to lead people to Him. Pray that the burden and emptiness be amplified in every heart that they may seek Him, above all.

I am concerned with a number of brothers and sisters in your fellowship. May you remember to be loving to one another. Spread yourself out for one another. Encourage one another and challenge one another. Carry one another's burden.
And never be afraid to correct with love.

Molave Christian Movement

History will show that God has used your fellowship to train leaders in DCF. We do not know why He allowed your number to dwindle or your fellowship to go through this challenge. What we do know is His faithfulness. Dear MCMers, you may all be young in your faith. You may feel left out and alone because your ates and kuyas are not with y
ou. But I pray that more than anchoring yourselves on men, anchor yourselves on God.

I am sorry because we cannot be with you in Molave. It is my burden to be with you, but I failed to sort out things to be with you inside the dorm. I am sorry if you feel left out or if you feel distant. But know this, you are being prayed for.

I urge you to grow in your walk with Christ. Praise God for young as you are He has given you the opportunity to lead. Trust in God. Thank Him for He is teaching you in your early years. May you never lose heart for the ministry. May you never feel this a burden, but always a joy, an offering before our God.

If you ever feel downcast or tired, draw near to Him and ask for strength. Know also that your ates and kuyas are ready to help you in anything. May you stand firm in the faith. I long to see your fellowship vibrant, growing and spreading the Truth in the years to come.

Kalayaan Christian Fellowship

Kalbrig, I praise God for you. The twinkle in your eyes and the passion in your hearts remind me of Christ's commitment. You have been a source of joy for me. Your every question, your every concern, your every trouble, they remind me that I am a Kuya to you.

You have gone through a painful year with the dwindling of KalCF. You have been through challenges and uncertainties. But I affirm you all for your love for Christ, and your undying desire to serve Him. You may have felt tired and lost, but I affirm how you have continuously walked with Him.

The years to come will be more difficult. You will all face this cycle all over again. But be still and know that God is with you. He will let His name be known through you. Remember that you are but managers of your ministry. You do not own it, you have been entrusted with it. Thus, you must seek strength and direction only from Him.

To the KalCFers,

You do not know how much I have prayed for you. I once came to the point where I felt God was not listening, but I realized one thing. His delight is not in the multitude of members present in the fellowship but in the growth of all those He has given.

It is my prayer that you grow in Christ. It is my desire that you seek Him more, know Him more and draw closer to Him this new year. I will be graduating soon, but even if you will have one less Kuya, know that you have an everlasting God who will never leave you.

I am sorry if I had been complacent. I am sorry if I have not really given myself to KalCF in the first part of the academic year. I now know that my attitude contributed to the challenges faced by the fellowship. But I praise God for He has taught me well. Now, despite the trials and pains, I am stronger and I know how to care for and love people more.

I was once a KalCF and I can confidently say that the Ates and Kuyas who gave themselves to teach the younger ones impacted my life greatly. Pray with me that we may be the Ates and Kuyas to you as Jesus was to His disciples.

Ilang-Ilang Christian Fellowship

I praise God always whenever I remember what He has done in Ilang. He has raised leaders to be the foundations of the fellowship. At the same time He called believers together to be one with Him.

I rejoice whenever I hear amazing stories of God’s work in Ilang. This coming year will be a challenge for you. Maelen’s absence will surely teach a number of you to stand up for the younger ones. Fear not for God equips those whom He calls.

Remember that your work in the fellowship is but dust compared to the leading of God’s Spirit in the hearts of your dormmates. Thus, my prayer is that you be more sensitive to Him. Learn to quiet your hearts, to listen to that small, still voice from God. He will surely be with you and bless you in all that you do for His glory.

Many of your ates will be graduating this sem. As much as we desire to stay with you longer, to teach and care for you, we can’t. But in our physical absence, know that we pray and remember you always. I will be challenging your ates to encourage you to be more intimate with Christ above all.

Do not be afraid of the changes that will come. Remember that God is always at work, teaching all believers to walk more closely with Him. Never claim the success of any endeavor as you own, but bring them all back to the one true source—God Himself.
This new year, grow in Christ. Remember to pray for one another. Do not be afraid to approach your ates and kuyas for help. They are always ready to be of service to you for the glory of our Lord.

Sampaguita Christian Fellowship

I know you have been through a difficult start. We did not expect God to bring a number of YCFers to Sampa to reignite the fellowship in this dorm. I saw how you prayed for commitment and unity. I saw how you cried to God for help over and over again.

Now, I rejoice for your fellowship is growing. I praise God for He has brought younger ones to you. Know that God desires that you be the spiritual ates of those He gives you. It is now more urgent than ever to learn to the meaning of surrender. This fellowship is not ours, it is God’s. He can work mightily through us if we learn to obey His leading.

I encourage you then to step out of your comfort zones and to sacrifice for the Lord. I am aware of the many things we juggle in UP, but remember that our purpose in the greater plan of God does not end in this university. It begins here. Thus, my prayer is that you learn to value the Great Commission as much or even greater than the worries of this world.

Know that God will bring you to a situation where you can glorify Him best. This may not be what you desire but it is what’s best. Thus, remember to trust in Him and to offer the works of your hands at the foot of your cross.

You tread a path full of challenges in Sampa. But remember how God worked through the apostles in the proclamation of the message of salvation. They were not the ones who changed the people, the Spirit did. I encourage you then to pray that the Spirit will saturate the dormitory, that God will call people to Him.

The unity you have with other Christian groups is also encouraging. This reveals that despite the diversity of practices we are all one in Christ. I pray that the example you have set will be an encouragement your brothers and sisters in the other dorms.

God bless you!

Kamia Christian Fellowship

I rejoice with you with God's work in Kamia. Only las year, there is no fellowship in your dormitory, but now we witness a growing number of believers gathering to bring glory to God.

I continue to encourage you to seek the Spirit's leading in your plans as a fellowship. Pray for obedience that you may truly bring God the glory He deserves.

Know that you are in my prayers. I appreciate the zeal of your fellowship in reaching out to the dormers of Kamia. I also rejoice because of the unity you have with other Christian organizations inside the dorm. Truly, you exemplify the unity Jesus desired for all believers.

This new year, I encourage the younger members of your fellowship to grow more in Christ. Pray that the Lord will give you wisdom in facing the challenges ahead. There will be a umber of ates graduating this year. I pray, then, that God will give you the strength to stand up in leadership.

Do not be afraid of greater responsibilities. Know that God's equipping is more than enough for all those He calls to lead His people. Remember Moses. Know that it is God's power, not your abilities and strengths that matters. I pray that He will touch those He is calling for leadership. At the same time, I pray that He will give you the grace to obey.

Continue to be the salt and light in Kamia. Share Christ! Live out your Christianity!

God bless you!

I share niyo ang link na ito sa lahat ng DCFers na kilala niyo.
And sa lahat ng makakabasa, text me that I may know you've read it. :)

God bless you!
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