Sharing through Tracts

It is with much joy that I joined our local church in proclaiming Jesus on Maundy Thursday. We went out as a congregation-- around 30 or so-- and gave out evangelistic tracts in several areas of the UP Diliman Campus.

Evangelism remains an exciting experience for me. I just came back from the Beach Missions in Pundaquit, Zambales for a week-long beach evangelism. But my heart is really for the campus. I always pray that God would move us as a church to do more for our Jerusalem. Thus, when Kuya Jess, one of our elders, pushed for  a tract-giving activity, I immediately signed up.

We met early in the morning a the Bonsai Garden for a short devotion and spiritual preparation. The text was in Romans 10:13-15-- that beautiful passage about evangelism. Pastor Wilson lead us in a short exhortation, reminding everyone that God is sovereign in all things, even in the salvation of people. Thus, we should not be discouraged nor should we fear persecution. Our duty is to faithfully share the Gospel. God gives the increase.

Pastor Bel, our senior pastor, sent us off with a prayer after the short fellowship.We first went to Hardin ng Rosas and Bougainvillea where we gave out tracts to both faculty and common residents on campus. As usual, people with higher social class and learning refuse the Gospel more often. There is pride in their hearts that causes them to close to the Good News.

After giving away several tracts with my group, I realized what Jesus meant when He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven." Unless we understand who we are before God-- that we are sinners condemned to eternal death apart from God, orphans in need of a Father, and hostages of sin in need of an all-sufficient Savior-- we will never realize our need for Jesus.

Sadly, those who are high up in the social, financial and academic ladder are the ones blinded by pride brought by their achievements, riches and intellect. When sharing Jesus to these people, we must all the more  depend on the Holy Spirit for only God can open their eyes to their real need.

We went to RIPADA, Area 1 and Area 2 next. Because we had sufficient numbers, we decided to split into three groups with roughly nine people each to give away tracts. My group was assigned to Dagohoy, the community behind the Ilang-ilang Dormitory.

This is one of the depressed areas on campus which is home to several urban poor families. Despite their being nobody's from the world's standard, I saw from these people the "poor spirit" Jesus was talking about. Yes, they are poor and lacking, but their poverty actually draws them closer to God.

Most people-- myself included-- are afraid to venture out and share Jesus in these areas on campus. We tend to think that the people here are dangerous, there are drunkards who might hurt us and a dozen other excuses. But once more, God humbled me when He reminded me that we should never judge people by their physical appearances.

The people at Dagohoy are actually very receptive to the Gospel. I even shared to a youth, Raymond, who was just standing near the entrance, waiting for a friend. I thought he would not listen to my explanation of the Gospel, but he stayed until I finished.

His friend actually came in the middle of my explanation and he was already asking Raymond to leave, but he said he'd let me finish first. This is one of the rare moments when I know a person is listening to the Gospel. I gave him a tract after sharing, and though I may never see him again, I know that the seed of the Gospel had been planted. May God lead him to someone who would water the seed until it grows.

After the tract-giving activity, I was exhausted because of the heat but joyful. I pray that as a church, we would really own up our Jerusalem. I was glad that several church members came, but I pray that more would join next time.

Christianity has never been comfortable. If we don't want to be inconvenienced or to be tired, then Christianity is not for us. But as is, we are now sons and daughters of God. We are called to spread the Good News and to make disciples.

Our Jerusalem is very ripe. We only need willing hearts to work in harvesting God's people from the urban poor, the students and even the faculty in the UP Campus. May the Lord honor the desires of our heart.

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  1. This is encouraging, kuya. I wish I could have been there. Keep writing! You have a gift! :)
